Weighing My Options

Every Saturday, my friend Weng and I make it a point to leave the doldrums and often times downright insanity of our daily existence by engaging in escapism and endless consumerism. Not that we blow our paychecks on anything, our weekend escapades are usually comprised of leisurely window shopping plus the madatory trip to Watsons (Weng would absolutely perish without her weekly staple of soaps, shampoos and cosmetic products.. HEHE). At the moment... the current favorite is the novel shops of "The Mall of Asia", mostly due to lack of other alternatives.
All that walking usually leaves us famished so after debating about calories and trans fats, we trek to the restaurant of choice. Its just funny now how much energy we put into analyzing the evils of carbs when just 5 years ago we never even thought twice about munching on deep fried chicken fingers at Fridays or grabbing a slice of meat pizza oozing with cheese at CPK. Now we are reduced to herb chicken sandwhiches at Olivers... preferring wheat over white bread of course.
Its strange how we've become so caught up on weight issues. Not that I'm grossly overweight but I wouldn't mind shedding off a few bulges from my stomach and thighs. I try to diligently engage in pilates exercises and admittedly it has made some improvement in my mid section as well as my posture. Nevertheless, most of the time I'm just too lazy to drag my exercise mat and pop in the Windsor Pilates DVD to begin my work-out. I always feel like I've much more things to do than lie on my mat stretching my ham strings.

*Source: Nutrition Action - May 1997
Of course it wasn't exactly the same-- red rice is a lot more grainy and has to be soaked for 30 mins prior to cooking to lock in moisture, plus it has a strong earthy flavor; wheat bread also has grainy chunks with every bite; and brown sugar has some sort of caramelized after taste. But these are just very minor adjustments and for the most part, you won't even notice the difference.
In addition to that, I've also began to drink more green tea & soy milk as well as eat more oatmeal for breakfast. Its really not such a big deal, unlike forcing myself to eat ampalaya. Although I also eat a lot of green leafy veggies, thanks to my mom who trained me while I was still a toddler. I'm just doing as much as I can to improve my diet without turning eating into a chore. Realizing that the earlier I start choosing better alternatives to old unhealthy eating habits the more I will reap its benefits as I age.
As of late my tummy has shrunk a little bit allowing me to fit in my old pair of Levis jeans that I haven't worn in months. However the ultimate test will be the skinny jeans I have had since college. Well, I'm not there yet... hopefully soon I will be.

Don't Forget to read the label. USDA guidelines suggest that fats should be limited: Quick guide to % DV 5% or less is low, 20% or more is high. Choose foodstuff that has less sodium and increase consumption of dietary fiber.
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