Absolutely Swooning

So anyway, when we got there, we were lounging for a while waiting for the party to pick up. After a while the crowd started loosening up and people began trekking on the dance floor grooving to house and electonica music. We worked our way to the front to catch a glimpse of the DJ, which by the way is real hot, and just enjoyed the vibe. Soon enough the music started to get really intense and people began getting rid of their inhibitions. As you know, I aint much of a dancer but the excitement was quite contagious. Mind you, I didn't try any fancy moves. But I was enjoying the fancy beat.
And then the unthinkable happened! I was already noticing this guy from the corner of my eye coz he seemed to be around me the whole time. I didnt really pay much attention to it coz the place was pretty crowded. And then suddenly I felt a light tap on the small of my back. At first I thought I just acidentally bumped into someone on the dance floor. But the next thing you know he was showing me his cellphone. Apparently he typed a message for me. Well, I didn't have theclearest of night visions and just squinted my eye on the glaring phone screen. Noticing my difficulty, he whispered in my ear "are you with someone?". I looked up (coz he was quite tall) and I nearly fainted. The guy was soooo cute! Totally my type. He was fair in complexion and has this gorgeous smile. OMG!!! I was struggling with myself. I mean, should I deny that I was WITH someone and was actually married? Or should I embark on an elicit love affair? But then my conscience was pounding on me and I blurted out that I was "With someone" Oh my god! I saw the disappointment in his eyes. I begged my friend to accompany me away from the crowd coz I needed some fresh air. I was simultanesously kicking myself in the shins and patting myself on the back for dodging temptation. Gosh! Im such a good girl!
Hey, did I mention the guy looked 18? He was really young. He cant be older than 20. But he was reallllllyyyy cute! I have never thought there would come I time when I would say to a guy "I'm sorry honey! You are just too young for me." I feel old old old! Next thing you know, I'll have droopy boobies and crow's feet. This is too darn depressing.
I told Chris about it, coz I do tell him everything, and we are joking about the whole thing. He saying that I either looked really young or the guy just had a thing for older...ahem... more mature women. Haha! I could have ended up as his tutor in The Birds and the Bees 101. That would be hilarious! Well, at least my skin rejuvenating night creams had paid off. Hahahaha.
I kept playing the scene over and over in my head. Like what if I gave him my number. Or what if I could have reached out and kissed him right there and then (He looked so yummy). I mean the possibilities are endless. But unfortunately, they have ended coz I chose the right path and stuck to it. Arrrgghhh.
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