And Time Marches On

I was chatting with my bestfriend Weng and she tells me that she's staying in the States for good. It wasn't such a huge shocker since she WAS planning to marry her BF in LA next year. But her trip to America a few weeks back was supposed to be for a month long holiday, afterwhich she's gonna come back home and wait for her fiancee visa. As it seems, her fiance didn't want to let her go and had proposed that they already tie the knot while she was there. I'm real happy for her but at the same time I feel pretty bummed. I will definitely miss our weekends at the mall. Her obessession with Korean skin products spending hours choosing the right hue of nail polish, which for the life of me, I just don't understand. Or her allegience to a low fat/low carb diet and and then grab tiramisu at Starbucks. My friend of many contradictions...will surely be missed. Sadly, it might take a longer time for me to see her in California.
I would have loved to help her with her new apartment. Help her decorate and just chill in her pad feeling proud of our accomplishment. There are lots of things I wish I could be part of as she adjusts to her new life in a strange and foreign country. But as it stands, I would have to wait for my husband to get his job in California before I could move there with him. I am constantly reminded of my nearing interview at the US embassy. I'm quite nervous especially since I DO want it so bad now. First of all, my good friend Irish has been working there for quite a while now and I haven't seen her in ages. And now Weng has moved there for good. If my visa gets denied, it would effectively scrap my chances of getting there by next year. I would probably have to wait for my Husband's greencard to be approved and that may well take as long as three years. Definitely not a palatable option for me.
The only thing that keeps me going is chatting with my friends online. Thank god for technology. Especially Irish and Weng. It eases the loneliness a bit. Still, the urgency to leave this hell hole doesn't wane a bit. Just yesterday, Weng and I were exchanging pasta recipes since she was preparing a meal for pappi's birthday. And then it just hit me, how much we've been through and how much we've grown together. She was even with me when I met Chris who later on became my husband. I jokingly teased her that we used to call each other and ask what the other was wearing for a night out clubbing (so deathly afraid of being underdressed or going over the top) and now we are swapping cooking techniques... next thing you know we are gonna be advising each other over diaper brands. Sigh.. How times have changed. I'm just really thankful I have a great friend to share experiences with, good or bad, mundane or life altering. I'm positive that I will get my pretty ass in the US soon. It aint a picnic but I'm sure I'll get by... I'm anxious but excited...over the horizon, the possibilities seem endless
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